There are diseases that can affect your dog severely for which there are some vaccines available.
It is a requirement that all dogs and cats that come onto the property are fully vaccinated with a C5 vaccine for the dogs, and a F3 for the cats.
This must be given at least 2 weeks before arrival - no exceptions.
Please note: although we hope that the vaccines will keep your dog safe, they are no guarantee that they are 100% effective.
Some diseases are airborne, and some are not. Diseases such as kennel cough (for which the vaccine does not cover every strain including the current one we're hearing most about right now) are airborne. Diseases such as parvo (potentially deadly) can be found almost anywhere and can be picked up on the sole of a shoe or on a car tire and taken anywhere. Indeed, it's likely that there's parvo at your local dog park right now. It is a very complex disease and you can spend hours finding information about it via the internet and your vet.
We use a substantial cleaning process here and you are more than welcome to view what we do, the procedures we have, and our cleaning tools.
As such, we cannot be held responsible if your pet is unfortunate enough to contract a disease while it is here, including those that it is vaccinated for.
We do not take puppies under 6 months of age or kittens under 3 months of age, because of the lack of development of their immune system, and we would suggest that immune compromised dogs are best left at home with a dog sitter or the like.
We cannot accept your pet into the facility if it is sick, and if it gets sick while it is here, we will take it to the vet at your cost, if deemed appropriate. We are very cautious about the health of your pet and prefer to be too careful rather than not caring enough.
You are more than welcome to call me (Jane) at any point to discuss this point and any other. My office number is: 03 5433 6259 .
We are always learning and seeking to create the best facility anywhere, and will update this page as our learning increases, so that our knowledge is shared with you. It is true that the more I learn the more I realise how much more I have to learn.
This page last updated: 27/1/14